所在系别: 空间信息与规划系
职称/职务: 副教授
导团队格与专业: 硕士生导师,地理学
联系方式: E-mail:yjliang@whut.edu.cn
2009.07在兰州大学获学士学位;2015.07在中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所获博士学位;2015.07起在云顶国际先后任讲师、硕导、副教授;2018.12-2019.11在The University of Tokyo做访问学者。
是Regular committee member of YECG-GeoSus;地球大数据科学工程数据数据质量评审专家;国家自然科学基金委项目函评人;数十种学术期刊审稿人;ESP、IPBES、中国生态学学会、中国地理学会的会员。
Liang, Y., Hashimoto, S., Liu, L. (2021) Integrated assessment of land-use/land-cover dynamics on carbon storage services in the Loess Plateau of China from 1995 to 2050. Ecological Indicators, 120:106939.
Liang, Y., Liu, L. (2021) Vulnerability assessment of crop production to climate change across Northwest China during 1995–2014. Journal of Mountain Science, 18(3):683–693.
Liang, Y., Liu, L., Hashimoto, S. (2020) Spatiotemporal analysis of trends in vegetation change across an artificial desert oasis, Northwest China, 1975–2010. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13:742.
Liu, L., Liang, Y.*, Hashimoto, S. (2020) Integrated assessment of land-use/coverage changes and their impacts on ecosystem services in Gansu Province, northwest China: implications for sustainable development goals. Sustainability Science, 15:297–314.
Liu, L., Liang, Y.*(2019) Wind power forecast optimization by integration of CFD and Kalman filtering. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 43(15): 1880–1896.
Liu, J., Wen, Y.,Liang, Y.*, Zhang, F., Yang, T. (2019) Extreme Weather Impacts on Inland Waterways Transport of Yangtze River. Atmosphere, 10(3):133.
Liang, Y., Liu, L. (2017) An integrated ecosystem service assessment in an artificial desert oasis of northwestern China. Journal of Land Use Science, 12:(2):154–167.
Liang, Y., Liu, L. (2017) Simulating land-use change and its effect on biodiversity conservation in a watershed in northwest China. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 3(5):1335933.
Liang, Y., Liu, L., Huang, J. (2017) Integrating the SD-CLUE-S and InVEST models into assessment of oasis carbon storage in northwestern China. PLoS ONE 12(2): e0172494.
Liang, Y., Liu, L. (2014) Modeling urban growth in the middle basin of the Heihe River northwest China. Landscape Ecology, 29(10): 1725–1739.